
Springing With Good News – Book Announcement!

Happy Spring! David Beisel and Irene Javors have written a book of essays for these times, Forging New Paths, Reflections on History, Culture, and Psyche. They explore cross-generational themes ranging from ‘the greatest...
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An Age of Uncertainty

We live in uncertain times. Everyone that I know has commented about how life seems upsIde down- not right- too complicated. I ask myself “hasn’t life always been uncertain?” Yes and...
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Optimal Living – Re-Entry

What a 2 plus years we have lived through: Covid-19’s scourge – so many  monumental challenges second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month...
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Goodbye 2020- Greetings 2021

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Just saying 2020 evokes  COVID-19  Fear Dread Now what’s happening? What else could go wrong? Terrible Loss Unemployment  Evictions Remote living Zooming  Masks Terrible politics So many  disruptions, A world on...
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Random Dispatches: Pandemic Times

I have been wanting to write for months but found focusing difficult – sorting out my thoughts and feelings impossible- easily distracted by anything – ideas fleeting by and ungraspable. But...
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Seasonal Blessings and Thoughts for the New Year

We are living in challenging times. So much is going on. How do we maintain balance? How do we stay centered? How do we stay the course? As we approach the...
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Climate March September 20 2019- “And a Child Shall Lead Us.”

Despite a bad back and aching knee I decided to join the Climate March in NYC on September 20, 2019. As I exited the train station at Foley Square in downtown...
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Animal Rights March- September 2, 2017 – NYC

I marched for the animals – for animal rights on Saturday September 2. The March was very well attended – all concerned with condemning animal cruelty by the food industry, the...
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Life Notes: My Spring Awakening

Spring didn’t register with me Too caught up with work and personal concerns I forgot that the seasons had changed I remained in the depths of winter. Until a moment ago,...
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Seasons Greetings – Going To The Light

The last 2 weeks of 2016 — Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza- all celebrations of the coming of the light and new life into the world. As the days grow shorter...
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