
Over the past several months I have been busy with several new creative projects including working on my photography.  I have been organizing my photographs by theme. The first such grouping involves photos taken at Coney Island, Brooklyn New York. I grew up near Coney Island in the 1950’s when the area was Carny City where Side Shows, unlicensed tattoo parlors and Nathan’s hot dogs drew the multitudes. There was Steeplechase, the Parachute Jump and other iconic rides and attractions. As a child, I perceived Coney Island as a fascinating and dangerous place wherein anything could happen at anytime – a place of dreams and nightmares.  

Coney Island had the boardwalk, beach and ocean – I could look out beyond the horizon line and see the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean andimagine worlds other than Brooklyn. My photographs capture images of Coney today –  for me, a place that has resiliently stood the test of time- a place that continues to inspire the WONDER of the WONDER WHEEL ride!

Check out the new photography section on the Menu wherein my Coney Island photos are shown.