
Springing With Good News – Book Announcement!

Happy Spring! David Beisel and Irene Javors have written a book of essays for these times, Forging New Paths, Reflections on History, Culture, and Psyche. They explore cross-generational themes ranging from ‘the greatest...
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Life Notes – Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving is almost upon us. For me, this has been a difficult year of many losses and major changes. At times, I have found myself reeling from the challenges that have...
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Life Notes: Self or Selfie – Authentic Person or Confected Image

Wherever you go people are busy taking ‘selfie’ photo ops of themselves either alone or with others or set against a background that functions as a stage for action. For some,...
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Life Notes: Mindful Living

What does it mean to live mindfully? To live in a mindful way is to live with a devotion to awareness. Awareness of the world around you. Awareness of the world...
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Life Notes: What Now, Ken?

Ken Doll entered the world in 1961. He is 55 years old. He is physically perfect. He is a fashion plate. He is depicted doing something like 40 plus occupations. But who is he?
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Life Notes: Barbie – Gender – Liberating the Imagination

Barbie is 57 – and she is now dealing with multicultural and diversity challenges. A new line of Barbies will be available this Spring in a variety of body types –...
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Life Notes: After the Holidays – 2016

Another holiday season passes. Time to begin anew. Time to check your credit card balances and say to yourself, “How did I spend so much?” Not to mention the challenge of...
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Life Notes: The ‘New’ New Normal

On Friday November 13, 2015, horror erupted in Paris, France. Bombs and gunshots filled the air of the ‘City of Light’. Once again terror reigned over a great metropolis. After 911,...
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Life Notes: ENOUGH!

When is ENOUGH? How do we know what is ENOUGH? Where is the sign that says YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH? How do you gain the SELF CONFIDENCE TO FEEL THAT YOU...
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Life Notes

Welcome to! Since I was a young woman I have asked myself the question: How do I live? I have come to the realization that life is best lived optimally....
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